Is it an illusion or real world?

When i was a child, a read a story how 1 king had a dream where he was roughed up by the neighbor king and how it was getting difficult for him even to eat. King got so scared after the dream that he announce a big prize if someone solves this puzzle. The puzzle was

Is this real or that?

Many sages/ intelligent people went there to solve Kings puzzle but they failed, coz they can't understand what exactly the king is asking. After many many years, there came a sage who solved his puzzle. He said:

Like that even this is not real.

King asked how? He said - You are the one observer of all, and in reality always free. Your bondage is this: you see the other -- not yourself -- as the observer. King got satisfied, not only he gave him a big reward but also he became his disciple.
Ordinarily we perceive our lives through the eyes of others. We use the eyes of others like a mirror. We forget the observer and become the observed.

Lately, I realize that there is no such thing as existence or non existence, right or wrong, or moral or immoral. One's true identity can be found by simply recognizing oneself as Pure Existence.


Birdie said…
Very nice story and moral. There is no good or bad, right or wrong, its all in the mind. One right for us is wrong for other. Good for us is bad for other. Therefore most of the norms and pre-conceived notions are also not right to so many of us. We should always do and act what we feel is right for us and that which does not harm anybody.

Too much gyan. Sorry.

Nice article you have written.

Keep writing!
I will differ with you on the last line, you wrote - We "should"

whereas i firmly believe that we "always" do what we feel is right, irrespective of what others say.

In the end ... there will never be too much of anything, be it gyan or love or whatever :)
I'm reminded of the advice given by one of the Western writers (I forget the name) who, on being told about the world being an illusion, said, "Give a kick to that stone and see if your foot will think of the stone as an illusion."

Well, at the metaphysical level the borderline between reality and illusion is blurred...

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