
Showing posts from January 3, 2010


Everybody says that Guys are Pervert , but how Girls flaunt their colors of bras on Facebook today, doesnt that make them Pervert ? According to Wiki - Perversion is a concept describing those types of human behavior that are perceived to be a serious deviation from what is considered to be normal. Are there ONLY Sexual Perverts? Well, I think not. I like to categorize so i will do that now, as well. According to me there are 3 types of Perverts: 1) Sexual Pervert 2) Power Pervert (Read Politicians) 3) Limelight Pervert (Read Celebrities) 1) Sexual Pervert - I feel people already know so much about this category that i should let them into their fantasy world. :P 2) Power Pervert - There is a general thinking in India that if you have the Power, no matter what you do, you can get away with it. Coz till recently, this use to happen. People having some power become sooo SHAMELESS that even if you catch them Red Handed, they will straight away deny the FACT that its not t...


This is my first post after New Year, so i was thinking what should be my first post. After wishing everyone, i realized what else could be more appropriate than talking about Dreams. I have always wondered about how these dreams come and how these changes our life. So, I decided to put them into 3 categories which are as follows: 1) Which comes automatic i.e. which God/Existence want to show/give us 2) Things which are in our Sub-conscious mind 3) Things that we see while we try to sleep during the night. 1) Dreams that comes automatic and can change your life: Am sure, everyone has seen this movie "Avatar" , even in that movie they have shown that every person is connected to God/Existence. It is just that during our day-to-day life somehow we stop listening to God/Existence. Then these things come as Dreams to show whats gonna happen in the future. Or if something has happened in the past and we are not able to understand then how and why it has happened. 2) Th...