
Showing posts from November 8, 2009

Reality is nothing but a state of mind

What is REAL? What is Reality? The biggest question man kind ever faces since its inception. Every person has its own definition of Reality, his/her own way of seeing the things, his/her own way of describing the things which according to him/her are real. One thing can be unreal for you but can be "Real" for me. I will differentiate Real / Reality into 2 i.e. Scientific and Spiritual 1) Scientific - Modern science has done many many experiments and have come to the conclusion that Reality is nothing but electronic signals interpreted by the Brain . They are now implementing the same thing i.e. Interpreting the signals, in creating and functioning of Robots. Recent development is, Robot can sense your behavior and can respond to that. If you are angry then they will respond differently whereas if you are Happy then they will respond differently. Same like how Humans respond. 2) Spiritual - India is the land of Spirituality, in other words, Mother of all spiritual c...