Admission season is round the corner and again there will be Reservation issues. Deserving people dont get admission whereas other people will get the admission.. why? Coz they belong to a particular caste/religion where Govt has reserved a quota for them. I hate the Caste system and more than that I Hate Reservation being given to them. It's not that I'm against those people or something but coz this reservation will deprive the capable people to utilize their abilities/skills . Let me give you 1 example - One student who studied hard whole year and get 90% marks and another student who didnt study much and just get the passing marks i.e. 35-40%. When it comes to Admission, this person who studied SOO hard didnt get admission .. why? Coz of the reservation system and this person who didnt study at all, got the admission. People give the argument that these people does not have necessary facilities, so my question is - why doesnt Govt provide these facilities and make them ...