Good Networker or bad networker
Today's age is the age of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook . Everyday we get one or other follow / friend requests on these sites, but am wondering are we able to cope up with everything? Or it's mere a showoff e.g. how many followers i have on Twitter or how many friends i have on Facebook? Here is what one of the networker who has more than 1000 contacts writes after deleting 400 contacts/friends: "well... everything is a good excuse to watch yourself I guess... I was almost reaching 1.000 and I was a bit "proud"... good networking... but then, really, who gives the s.... about networking? I realized that out of 1000 friends I am interested in few... I like when I see interesting post, video, some nice and honest sharing, I like art. It is also clear for me that I am not interested in games, roses, virtual gift or hugs... than you make a choice..." For a person like me, who does not want to Hurt anybody, visiting my parents last mont...